If you’re looking for a free Excel vacation planner template in 2025, you’ve come to the right place. Our Excel vacation planner has been downloaded thousands of times in recent years. Our vacation planner not only captures holidays but also sick days and home office days. At the same time, the template is simple, flexible, and reliable.
Instructions: How to use the vacation planner Excel template from absence.io
Step 1: At the bottom of the vacation planner, you’ll find a tab for each month. Go to January and enter your employees’ names. They will then be automatically included for each month and in the overall overview.
Step 2: In the last tab “Summary,” enter the corresponding number of vacation days under “Vacation Entitlement.” This can be specified separately for each person, for example, if you have full-time and part-time employees.
Step 3: Let’s get started! Enter “V” for vacation, “S” for sick leave, or “HO” for home office on the respective days. In the right table, you’ll then see the sum of individual absence days.
Step 4: In the last tab “Overview,” the Excel template provides a comprehensive overview:
- Vacation days: The total number of vacation days taken so far in the year
- Sick leave: The total number of sick days
- Home Office: The total number of home office days
- Vacation Entitlement: The number of the corresponding vacation entitlement
- Remaining vacation: The number of unused vacation days
Our vacation planner Excel template is simple and effective. You can track all types of leave (and more) with it. With the corresponding overview page, you can simultaneously keep the necessary overview. Enjoy!
Additional Options
If you’d like to manage your vacation through a Google Drive spreadsheet, you’ll find a template here. To use it, simply click on “File –> Make a copy” in the top left corner.
Do you want an even better solution for vacation planning?
Our Excel vacation planning template is great, no doubt. However, there’s a solution that’s even simpler, safer, and more organized: our software.
absence.io takes it a step further
All employees get their own account. Everything is requested and approved through it.
It works like this, for example:
Antonia wants to take a week off in September. She selects the corresponding days in absence.io and requests the desired vacation with just one click.
Her supervisor, Mascha, receives a notification (e.g., via email, Teams, or Slack) and can approve or deny the requested vacation accordingly.
In the background, everything is recorded and monitored according to your statutes. Employees and supervisors always have a comprehensive overview of the vacation and absence situation. There are also many practical automations.
For example, if someone has no more vacation days left, they can’t request any more. And much more.
This is not only convenient for employees and supervisors but also significantly reduces your HR effort. At the same time, it makes things much safer. Excel is susceptible. At absence.io, everything is encrypted to the highest security standards and protected against unauthorized access with the appropriate permissions. Everyone sees only what they are allowed to see.
If you’re ready to take your vacation management to the next level, you’re in the right place with us. Test our software for 14 days without obligation and for free or schedule a consultation with our product experts!