Tracking time is as ancient as…well, time.
The moment man realized the sun, the moon, and the stars kept reappearing at constant intervals, tracking their movement became a species-wide obsession. Man followed the passage of time through bones, water, shadow, and candles.
Fortunately, the human race has nailed down how to precisely keep time, thanks to the first atomic clock in 1955. We even know how to use time keeping as an optimization method due to the early 20th century Efficiency Movement. But the workplace is still trying to optimally integrate digital time tracking into every day operations and tasks.
Like any work place tool, time tracking will only optimize the processes of a consciously-driven organization. A company that expects a tool to suddenly create productive meetings, but fails at rethinking their core business processes will not receive time tracking’s optimal benefits. And—let’s be real—will not remain in business for long.
Yes, we’re Team Time Tracking
We believe companies can only win by integrating time tracking into their everyday. But we also know that it only creates impact when employers are cognizant in how and where they integrate the tool.
Famed Duke University behavioral economist, Dan Ariely—who also sold a time management system to Google in 2015 confirms, “There’s really not that much good research around on these apps, especially because they’re so different from each other”. Not all time tracking tools are useful in all workplace contexts. What works for one team in one particular profession may not translate to another department in the same company.
It’s fundamental for companies and employees to consciously assess if and how time tracking tools would provide support.
Time tracking is not a blanket solution; it requires:
- informed and thoughtful implementation
- an employee-employer feedback loop
- awareness of the potential pitfalls to avoid
Do you want to be informed about the potential gains and drawbacks in considering time tracking? Or maybe you’ve already implemented, but a few concerns are arising?
Read our free white paper and decide how this tool can be integrated into your workplace.
Your ancestors would be proud.
At, we’ve optimized absence management. Companies like MyTheresa, Check24, and even governments use our tool to easily manage their employees’ planned (and unplanned) absences.