Employee Happiness

Digital Travel Expense Reimbursement: How It Streamlines Processes, Overcomes Obstacles, and Boosts Employee Satisfaction

Ein Haufen Papier zur Reisekostenabrechnung auf einem Schreibtisch

Travel expense reimbursement not only frustrates employees but also burdens the HR and accounting departments. From lost receipts to endless waits for reimbursement, the entire process can be a painful ordeal. As experts in absence and time tracking, the topic of travel expense reimbursement is crucial for us. In our quest to add new features […]

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AI in HR (Part 1): Potentials in Attendance and Absence Management?

AI in HR symbolized by a robot am and a human arm touching

AI in HR. A topic that has been occupying us intensively at absence.io for some time. How can AI be used in our core areas, attendance and absence management? Especially in the area of process optimization, we see great potential, but also in service. We would like to give you a brief insight into our

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Hurray! The EU passes time tracking legislation!

time tracking

Wait…what? That’s right. In a recent European Court of Justice ruling, all companies in the European Union must track their employee’s working hours. This may seem archaic to some of you given flextime, home office days and more generally the culture of freelance work. But don’t forget that although punching in and out may no

Hurray! The EU passes time tracking legislation! Read More »

Can We Be Friends?

workplace friends

Some of you may go to your jobs and mind your own business, plugging away until the clock strikes six and it’s time to go home. If you’re that person, there’s no shame in that, after all you’ve got lots of work to do! So many deadlines and phone calls to field. Those emails are

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According to Harvard Business, Here are Best-Performing CEO Traits

best ceo traits

Judging leaders by their long-term results, rather than short-term hype is the most-common sense solution when analyzing how effective CEOs are in their positions. Harvard Business Review’s 2016 ranking of the 100 Top Performing CEOs has incorporated new metrics and tools to measure executives’ performance, adding 33 new CEOs to the list, having 30 CEOs

According to Harvard Business, Here are Best-Performing CEO Traits Read More »

Meet ‘n Greet the Next Gen in HR Tech: Eynat Guez, CEO of Papaya Global

next gen in hr tech

Here at absence.io, we prepare our clients—which range from legacy companies, governments, to startups—to easily manage planned and unplanned absences. Beyond our snazzy tech, we’re committed to providing talent managers and business owners key insights into the future of work and people management. Because bringing out the best people takes work. And the right tools.

Meet ‘n Greet the Next Gen in HR Tech: Eynat Guez, CEO of Papaya Global Read More »

Conflict Transformation: How to Stay Authentic Whilst Disagreeing in the Workplace

conflict transformation in the workplace

Politics. Conflict. Workplace. Oh my. You share a desk with the work colleague who makes fun of Asian features. Your boss has hung a poster of a “Black Lives Matter” on his office door and rolls his eyes when newbies ask about the movement. Sometimes you lean towards visa quotes for certain countries, but your

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Absence Management – How to Survive the 21st Century

your company needs digital absence management

The old school way tracking people and their absences probably meant a stone and hammer. Absence management in the 21st century has come a long way…and yet, not. Some companies have barely upgraded beyond ye olde paper and pen. Their bottom line is missing out. In the early 20th century, workers would “punch in” at

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People Confess What Their Best Job Ever Was – No Mention of a Corner Office

best job ever

What’s really the best job ever? Does it involve a company car, the corner office, your own assistant, or your own hefty bank account? A few users on Reddit named what their favorite jobs have been. From pizza delivery guy to a bouncer, there’s little mention of a Benz or a Central Park View. According to

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This is the Truest Super Human Power: How Managers Can Optimize Decision Making

how managers can optimize decision making like batman

If there was a superpower that could be life-changing, most people would think the power of invisibility, flight, or eternal good hair days. True, it would be reality-shattering to wake up everyday with perfectly groomed locks, but there’s something else people often overlook: The power to make good decisions. In this day and age, where

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Do Your Employees Have Summer Depression? Help Them Beat the Heat

employee summer depression

There’s a darker side to the sunnies time of year. No, it’s not viewing your lack of muscle definition in searing sunlight. It’s a little-known phenomenon termed reverse SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD is temporary depression that is heavily influenced by weather. Normally people associate its symptoms (depression, loss of appetite, low energy) with the

Do Your Employees Have Summer Depression? Help Them Beat the Heat Read More »

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