If You Hire, Then You Need to Know These 10 Lines from the Modern Day Peter Drucker

adam grant modern day peter drucker

If you hire people, manage people, or talk to people on a daily basis, then Adam Grant is your patron saint. He may be a management guru and an esteemed Wharton professor, but his expertise in organizational psychology remains applicable to anyone in the modern workplace. Fortune 500 executives and industry leaders listen to Grant’s […]

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The New Competitive Advantage in Talent Management: How to Find the Originals

competitive advantage in talent management

Wharton Business School Professor, Adam Grant, is passionate about relaying the message of how the next era of talent management means hiring non-conformists. Why are they essential to a company’s bottom line? Learn why here. But how do hiring managers actually screen for originals? First Round Capital, the venture capital firm that has invested in

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This is the Truest Super Human Power: How Managers Can Optimize Decision Making

how managers can optimize decision making like batman

If there was a superpower that could be life-changing, most people would think the power of invisibility, flight, or eternal good hair days. True, it would be reality-shattering to wake up everyday with perfectly groomed locks, but there’s something else people often overlook: The power to make good decisions. In this day and age, where

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Do Your Employees Have Summer Depression? Help Them Beat the Heat

employee summer depression

There’s a darker side to the sunnies time of year. No, it’s not viewing your lack of muscle definition in searing sunlight. It’s a little-known phenomenon termed reverse SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). SAD is temporary depression that is heavily influenced by weather. Normally people associate its symptoms (depression, loss of appetite, low energy) with the

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Understand the Employee Subconscious: Smart Hiring Using the Enneagram Test

smart hiring using the enneagram test

How can a personality test be useful when hiring? Finding the right person for the job is the number one hiring priority. A bad hire costs companies productivity, time, and budget. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average cost of a bad hire is 30 percent of their salary. For example, a junior

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Decide to Delegate, Plan to Succeed: the Principles Behind the Art of Delegation

the art of delegation

The art of delegation is essential if you own your business, manage a team, or run a household. In short, delegation is part of every aspect in life (except working out—unfortunately one can’t outsource cardio). Managers need to learn to successfully delegate work to employees. If they don’t, major productivity is being lost. According to

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Dress Like a (Casual) Billionaire: The 5 New Workplace Power Dressing Rules

workplace power dressing

Forget the suit. Dump the tie. Burn the neural colors. The world of work is changing. 40% of more companies offer flexible work options. Robots are replacing lawyers. Employees prioritize a healthy work-life balance. So why wouldn’t our clothes change? Often power dressing evokes an image of a silver-haired man with a tailored, Italian three-piece suit,

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Time Tracking is Mostly Bullsh*t (Unless You’re Conscious of This)

time tracking is mostly

Tracking time is as ancient as…well, time. The moment man realized the sun, the moon, and the stars kept reappearing at constant intervals, tracking their movement became a species-wide obsession. Man followed the passage of time through bones, water, shadow, and candles. Fortunately, the human race has nailed down how to precisely keep time, thanks

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Is Hell Millennials in the Workplace? Millennial Whisperer Lee Caraher Gives Managers 5 Strategies to Survive

millenials in the workplace

Millennials in the workplace. This sentence alone may induce spastic hallucinations in Gen Xers and Baby Boomers. The younger crowd works a bit differently–and it’s causing major friction for employers, the kind of friction that makes flames, bonfires, Dante’s Inferno… CEO and founder of Double Forte, Lee Caraher works with consumer and technology brands in

Is Hell Millennials in the Workplace? Millennial Whisperer Lee Caraher Gives Managers 5 Strategies to Survive Read More »

Does Your Company Support the “Sandwich Generation”: Redefining Care-Giving

sandwich generation

Okay, Google has afford paying for employees’ daycare; Facebook’s deep pockets and Mark Zuckerberg’s personal experience has put paternal leave as a company priority. But what those employees that have to look after aging parents and their children? The “Sandwich Generation” refers to the 1 out of 5 employees that care for an aging individual and

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What Makes Working in Tech Different? These 4 Spheres of Angst

tech company spheres of angst

VitalSmarts, a company studying and applying principles of human behavior to shape organizational behavior and change, wanted to know what makes working in tech differ from other companies—if there is a difference. If you’re a business owner or work within a tech company, you know the highs and lows involved within the company. Certain traits

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This May Be the Biggest Pay Off in a Competitive Advantage: Hire a Non-Conformist

hire a non conformist

Hire a non-conformist. Why? Adam Grant, Wharton’s prolific professor, explains it’s imperative to have off-beat thinkers and doers on a company’s team. In an interview with First Round Capital, Grant outlines why it’s a strategic move for companies to hire “originals”. What is an “original”? According to Grant, originals are “people who go beyond dreaming up

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In the Age of AI, Is Business More Suited to Female Leaders?

female leaders

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already liberating us from the most tedious of tasks, like legal document analysis and streamlining farming processes. With more nut-and-bolt jobs being taken over, what are the essential skills needed to do business? Who are the people we should be cultivating for leadership in the AI era? University College London Professor

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Employees Like the Tech, But Why Aren’t They Convinced? It’s Called the Adoption Problem

adoption problem in tech companies

Companies are overhauling their entire product and marketing strategies to foster innovation and motivate their employees to embrace “digitalization”, as if it were some benevolent, corporate deity. The volume of magazines, newspapers, and experts churning out statistics about how businesses can only win when they digitize their day-to-day to make workflow more efficient. Robots can

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What Other People Think You Do: #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob

bad stock photos of my job

At absence.io, we’re always working toward offering the planet’s smoothest absence management (read a few external reviews here). Companies like MyTheresa and Check24 trust us to build a (nearly) misunderstanding-proof system. After all, misunderstandings are bound to occur. It’s the defining physics of living life. Some misconceptions cause greater confusion than others. Some misinterpretations are well,

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