Employee Happiness

Understand the Employee Subconscious: Smart Hiring Using the Enneagram Test

smart hiring using the enneagram test

How can a personality test be useful when hiring? Finding the right person for the job is the number one hiring priority. A bad hire costs companies productivity, time, and budget. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average cost of a bad hire is 30 percent of their salary. For example, a junior […]

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Decide to Delegate, Plan to Succeed: the Principles Behind the Art of Delegation

the art of delegation

The art of delegation is essential if you own your business, manage a team, or run a household. In short, delegation is part of every aspect in life (except working out—unfortunately one can’t outsource cardio). Managers need to learn to successfully delegate work to employees. If they don’t, major productivity is being lost. According to

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Time Tracking is Mostly Bullsh*t (Unless You’re Conscious of This)

time tracking is mostly

Tracking time is as ancient as…well, time. The moment man realized the sun, the moon, and the stars kept reappearing at constant intervals, tracking their movement became a species-wide obsession. Man followed the passage of time through bones, water, shadow, and candles. Fortunately, the human race has nailed down how to precisely keep time, thanks

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This May Be the Biggest Pay Off in a Competitive Advantage: Hire a Non-Conformist

hire a non conformist

Hire a non-conformist. Why? Adam Grant, Wharton’s prolific professor, explains it’s imperative to have off-beat thinkers and doers on a company’s team. In an interview with First Round Capital, Grant outlines why it’s a strategic move for companies to hire “originals”. What is an “original”? According to Grant, originals are “people who go beyond dreaming up

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What Other People Think You Do: #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob

bad stock photos of my job

At absence.io, we’re always working toward offering the planet’s smoothest absence management (read a few external reviews here). Companies like MyTheresa and Check24 trust us to build a (nearly) misunderstanding-proof system. After all, misunderstandings are bound to occur. It’s the defining physics of living life. Some misconceptions cause greater confusion than others. Some misinterpretations are well,

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When Apple Needs to Solve Employee Conflict, This is Their Go-To Method

how apple solves employee conflict

You’re rolling out a new department structure. The in-coming system keeps facing resistance. Employees are frustrated.  Besides daydreaming about the on-coming robot workforce, what do you do to solve employee conflict? Your effort to resolve the issues may become doubly complex by the diversity within the workforce. The communication style that may work for a

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Companies Making Creative Lunch Breaks the New “Free Lunch”

creative lunch break yoga

Forget a sandwich and a Coke for lunch time. Some companies are aiming to do infuse creativity into a work staple: the lunch hour. Employers see doing lunch differently as an opportunity to boost employee satisfaction and add another dimension of culture. You’ve heard of the “free lunch” at work cafeterias—they’re great at boosting morale

Companies Making Creative Lunch Breaks the New “Free Lunch” Read More »

“Emotions Managed”: The Anti-Harry Potter Approach to Processing Employees’ Emotions

employee emotions management magic

Companies are mindfully tackling employee stress as a means for a greater mental health and to impact the bottomline. After all, $300 billion is lost annually due to employees feeling mentally taxed. Processing emotions in the workplace requires a multi-pronged approach. Let’s say it demands more than a Harry Potter, “mischief managed” course of action. One

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How Throwing Parties and Playing Video Games is Part of Your Career Development Plan

parties and video games as career boost

It may seem doubtful, but throwing parties or playing video gaming may mean bigger strides in your career development plan. This emerging world of work does not necessarily mean allowing the robots to take over — it’s also about bringing skills, interests, and strengths from your personal life that can contribute to your professional success. According to

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Unlikely Workplace Friendships Happen : Yes, We’re (Friend)Shipping Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in

unlikely workplace friendships

When opposites attract, beautiful things occur. Think of toasted bacon in ice cream, or the romance developed by Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks’ characters in “You’ve Got Mail“. Or nuclear disarmament talks. Even in a seemingly-contrary place like work,  friendship grows. And the results are great: 75 percent of employees feel empowered to tackle any

Unlikely Workplace Friendships Happen : Yes, We’re (Friend)Shipping Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in Read More »

Collaboration Has a Lethal Blindside: 3 Steps to Keep Your Process Safe

keep your process safe

Is collaboration an integral part of how you do business? Are you managing the collaboration organization process effectively? Studies have shown if collaboration is not done correctly, it will produce weaker results. Sure, we’re told collaboration is often the best way to solve a prickly problem. People bring fresh insights to table, jostle ideas into action, and

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Can Small Business Owners Afford an Employee Mental Health Program? It’s Cheaper Than You Think

employee mental health program

“I need to rest”. We understand when this message arrives in our inbox from a colleague, after a surgery or a flu spell; we know a team member needs time off to process the death of a loved one; but why do we companies fail to understand the mind needs rest and attention? We’re living

Can Small Business Owners Afford an Employee Mental Health Program? It’s Cheaper Than You Think Read More »

If You Run a Company, Elon Musk Wants You to Watch This AI Documentary

child and robot

If you’ve been the owner of an Apple product, like an iPhone or iPod (RIP), you may faintly recall the small alert, “Trust this computer”. When you’re setting up your device for the first time, this alert is quickly brushed aside. Of course you trust this computer—you just bought it! You’re set to play with

If You Run a Company, Elon Musk Wants You to Watch This AI Documentary Read More »

14 Too True (Mostly Harmless) Thoughts You’ve Had at Work

thoughts you had at work

We get it. Even if you’re employed in the most friendliest, most supportive of corporate cultures…there are…moments. Moments of self-doubt as you re-work your proposal’s presentation for the fourth time. Moments of frustration when working with that particular team member. Moments when you consider calling the police and declaring yourself a hostage of stupidity. Hey,

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