Absence Management

Why Absence Management Doesn’t Have to Be Chaotic for Startups

Die Mitarbeiterin eines jungen Startup Unternehmens sitzt im Urlaub auf ihrem Koffer am Strand und blickt auf das Meer.

Startups are constantly under pressure: product development, growth, investor meetings – but who actually takes care of absence management? Vacation requests via Slack, sick leave via email, or Excel spreadsheets that no one updates? This might work in the beginning, but as the team grows, it quickly becomes chaotic and inefficient. Here’s why structured leave […]

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New Feature: Automated Documentation Requirement for Sick Days

The image shows the settings for the "Sickness" absence type, where the documentation requirement is activated.

Last week, we released another new feature for our absence management system. You can now automatically request documentation (e.g., a medical certificate) from your employees after a certain number of consecutive sick days. This can be set up globally for all employees in just 30 seconds. Activating Documentation Requirement To activate the documentation requirement, simply

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AI in HR (Part 1): Potentials in Attendance and Absence Management?

AI in HR symbolized by a robot am and a human arm touching

AI in HR. A topic that has been occupying us intensively at absence.io for some time. How can AI be used in our core areas, attendance and absence management? Especially in the area of process optimization, we see great potential, but also in service. We would like to give you a brief insight into our

AI in HR (Part 1): Potentials in Attendance and Absence Management? Read More »

Absence Management – How to Survive the 21st Century

your company needs digital absence management

The old school way tracking people and their absences probably meant a stone and hammer. Absence management in the 21st century has come a long way…and yet, not. Some companies have barely upgraded beyond ye olde paper and pen. Their bottom line is missing out. In the early 20th century, workers would “punch in” at

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What Makes Working in Tech Different? These 4 Spheres of Angst

tech company spheres of angst

VitalSmarts, a company studying and applying principles of human behavior to shape organizational behavior and change, wanted to know what makes working in tech differ from other companies—if there is a difference. If you’re a business owner or work within a tech company, you know the highs and lows involved within the company. Certain traits

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In the Age of AI, Is Business More Suited to Female Leaders?

female leaders

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already liberating us from the most tedious of tasks, like legal document analysis and streamlining farming processes. With more nut-and-bolt jobs being taken over, what are the essential skills needed to do business? Who are the people we should be cultivating for leadership in the AI era? University College London Professor

In the Age of AI, Is Business More Suited to Female Leaders? Read More »

What Other People Think You Do: #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob

bad stock photos of my job

At absence.io, we’re always working toward offering the planet’s smoothest absence management (read a few external reviews here). Companies like MyTheresa and Check24 trust us to build a (nearly) misunderstanding-proof system. After all, misunderstandings are bound to occur. It’s the defining physics of living life. Some misconceptions cause greater confusion than others. Some misinterpretations are well,

What Other People Think You Do: #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob Read More »

Can Small Business Owners Afford an Employee Mental Health Program? It’s Cheaper Than You Think

employee mental health program

“I need to rest”. We understand when this message arrives in our inbox from a colleague, after a surgery or a flu spell; we know a team member needs time off to process the death of a loved one; but why do we companies fail to understand the mind needs rest and attention? We’re living

Can Small Business Owners Afford an Employee Mental Health Program? It’s Cheaper Than You Think Read More »

“Absence of Fact Management” Spotlights: Lies From Your Childhood

lies of your childhood

At absence.io, we understand how to give companies the easiest experience in managing planned (and unplanned) team absences. Companies like MyTheresa and Check24 choose us for optimal, reliable absence management. Reliability is exactly what the world needs more of today—especially when it comes to facts. After all, wasn’t 2017’s Phrase of the Year, “fake news”? To

“Absence of Fact Management” Spotlights: Lies From Your Childhood Read More »

Fail Metrics and a Time Off Tracker: Weirdly Efficient Ways To Get Things Done

time off tracker

So, wait: how does a time off tracker make project managing easier? Hear me out. Good companies encourage their employees to fire away with new ideas. Great companies make them happen. What stands between brilliant suggestion and their execution? A plan. The latest book on time management might be jam packed with insight; your career

Fail Metrics and a Time Off Tracker: Weirdly Efficient Ways To Get Things Done Read More »

Running Your Business Under the New EU Data Privacy Laws: Pick Compliant Partners

gdpr data protection

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents the European Union throwing its weight around on the international stage: it’s transforming the world’s privacy laws. The new rules guides how foreign governments and companies collect, store, and utilize the data from EU citizens. What power does a coalition of 28 countries possess to stand up to

Running Your Business Under the New EU Data Privacy Laws: Pick Compliant Partners Read More »

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